Friday, 16 February 2018

Manja is Killing Birds

*What to do when you find a bird stuck/ hurt due to the 'manja' (string) during Makar Sankrant*
1. Try to calm the bird . Cover its eyes or put it into a cardboard box with holes(for ventilation ).
2. If the legs are stuck in the string try to cut the loose ends of the manja and slowly unravel the string, in a hurry to free the bird do not attempt to pull the string, it could further cut the leg.
3. If the bird is bleeding try to use betadine on cotton to stop the bleeding, although turmeric is antibacterial it's becomes difficult to stitch the cut cause turmeric particles don't wash out easily.
4. Pressure is enough to stop the bleeding most of the times.
5. Take it to the nearest veterinarian.
6. Do not use any creams to dress the wound, if you do it ,is the to only keep the area moist so the skin and muscles don't retract due to dehydration. If at all use a small amount only on the wound not on the feathers.
7. For the first 1/2 hrs do not traumatise the bird by trying to feed it or give it water. The bird is in shock do not further try to 'help' it by forcibly pushing food or water in their beaks, it may cause more harm than good.
8. Keep the bird warm, away from the draft

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